En/TDE libcarddav

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TDE - Base Packages

Libcarddav is a software library supporting the CardDAV protocol developed specifically for KDE and, at present, for the Trinity Desktop Environment. CardDAV is a client / server protocol whose definition can be found in the rfc6352 document, which allows users to share address books thorough a network. CardDAV is based on WebDAV, which is itself based on the HTTP protocol and uses the vCard format to store data. The vCard format for contacts is supported by many mobile devices and is therefore suitable to export, import and synchronize address books with a large number of cell phones and tablets. The libcarddav library fully supports data manipulation functionality for the latest official CardDAV protocol standard.

Libcarddav and Slackware

Slackware does not ship a libcarddav library package therefore there is no build script to use as a reference. The library source code is not released as a compressed archive and can be downloaded form the Trinity project GIT repository only. Two ways exist to download it:

  • Connect to the repository through a web browser and download a compressed archive of the last available version of the master branch. libcarddav-master.tar.gz
  • Install GIT on your machine and use the following commands:
  1. Move in the directory You wish to download the files to
  2. Run command git clone http://anonymous@scm.trinitydesktop.org/scm/git/libcarddav
  3. Rename the root source code directory: mv libcarddav libcarddav-master (This is only needed to copy the naming convention of the file downloaded with the previously described method)
  4. Build an archive of the source code files: tar -zcf libcarddav-master.tar.gz libcarddav-master

Whatever the method, we will use the resulting libcarddav-master.tar.gz file to build a working libcarddav package as described further below.

The source code uses autotools for configuring. Once configured the package can be built running make followed by make install to copy the output binary files in the package directory tree. In short:

Specifically set Qt libraries paths to be consistent with previously built packages:

  # Add temporary paths to handle new libraries during build
  export QTDIR=/opt/trinity
  export PATH=/opt/trinity/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH
  export LIBDIR=/usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}
  export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}:/opt/trinity/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}
  export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=:/usr/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}/pkgconfig:/opt/trinity/lib${LIBDIRSUFFIX}/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH

Run command:

   # Configure the package
   ../${PRGNAM}-${VERSION}/configure \
      --prefix=${PREFIX} \
      --sysconfdir="/etc/trinity" \
      --libdir=${LIBDIR} \
      2>&1 | tee -a ${OUTPUT}/${PRGNAM}_configure.log

to configure the build environment.

Then run command make with no option.

A SlackBuild script including all of the instructions and hacks needed by the build procedure can be downloaded from the following link. The output package can be installed using command installpkg as usual in Slackware Linux.

For any feedback, questions, errors and such, please e-mail me at studiosg [at] giustetti [dot] net

External Links

Languages: English - Italiano