En/Trinity desktop environment 14.1.3
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TDE 14.1.3 and Slackware 15.0
The 27th October 2024 marks the release of Trinity Desktop Environment 14.1.3: a desktop environment for Linux and other UNIX flavors. This is the third maintenance release for the TDE 14.1.x branch, consisting in fixes for all known bugs reported by users since the previous one. No new major features were introduced, just some minor fixes meant to enhance user experience. The merging effort concerning the TQt3 and tqtinterface libraries is still a work in progress and produced no working improvement so far.
As usual I managed to update the SlackBuild build scripts for Slackware Linux, built, installed and tested packages for the graphic environment, that is my usual choice for virtual machines requiring a GUI. Thanks to the few changes introduced, the scripts required no update at all. For the impatient ones out there here is the link to the build scripts useful to build all of the packages on your Linux boxes.
Building Packages
In order to build TDE successfully, please remove any installed TDE package from your Linux box, logout then login again in order to reset the environment variables, removing unwanted TDE options. Before you start I'll strongly suggest to:
- Back-up all of your data, the configuration directory ˜/.trinity and the configuration file ''˜/.tderc in your home directory. I never experienced any data loss or other issue updating, but you definitely want to have a fail-safe in case any of that should happen.
- Removing TDE packages means no graphical interface will be available since the new release will be ready. The required time interval depends on your machine. You are suggested to switch to runlevel 3 (Command Line Interface) for the duration of the procedure:
init 3
- Remove all previously installed TDE packages. To remove release 14.1.2, for example, execute command:
removepkg /var/log/packages/*trinity-14.1.2*
- Delete configuration scripts left over by the removepkg command.
rm /etc/profile.d/tqt3.*
rm /etc/profile.d/trinity.*
- Logout, then login again to ensure that all references pointing to TDE are removed from the environment configuration.
- Install or update some packages required by TDE. Optional packages include:
- Heimdall;
- Imlib;
- Compilers and other tools used too build software;
- Programming languages to bind to TDE (Optional);
If you don't install the prerequisites, some functionality could go missing for the resulting packages.
Ready the Build Tree
The Trinity Desktop Environment includes a lot of packages, which require building and installing in the right order. Download the source code, available as a big tar archive, decompress it and move the resulting compressed files in the proper directory.
- Download and decompress the build tree archive in a local directory. Both /tmp and /usr/src/tde-14.1.3 are valid candidates.
- Download and decompress the tar archive containing the source code for all of the packages.
- Move the compressed source code archives in the target directories. Every archive with tar.xz extension to the directory bearing the same name.
- Set the build options required by your CPU. For a computer with a 64 bit Amd CPU inside, for example, use the following command:
rm TDE.options
ln -s TDE.options.x86_64 TDE.options
- Move to the directory where script TDE.SlackBuild is located.
cd ./tde_build_script/bin
- If you wish to build all of the localization packages together with the base ones, update the main build script tde_build_script/bin/TDE.SlackBuild turning lines
# Build package
# bash ./${PKG}.SlackBuild
# Build package
bash ./${PKG}.SlackBuild
- Run the main script and wait patiently for its conclusion:
sh ./TDE.SlackBuild
The script will build each and every package in the base, library and prerequisite group then install and configure them. A full installation will require several hours. When the script will finish, TDE will be installed and ready for use. The script will stop before its programmed conclusion only when encountering issues such as a missing dependency package, a missing build tool or something similar.
- Check the Trinity Desktop Environment installation running the startx command to load the graphical interface.
- Last, whoever usually starts its Linux box in GUI mode should close the TDE session and revert the runlevel to 4:
init 4
The Updated Build Tree
The updated build tree can be downloaded from the following link: tde_build_tree_sg-14.1.3.tar.xz. The tar archive includes every and each SlackBuild script, patch and configuration file.
This web page brief instructions to successfully install from source code TDE 14.1.3 on Slackware Linux. Al of the scripts were provided along with some example commands. All the of the build, installation, configuration and subsequent use tests were conducted on 64 and 32 bits AMD CPUs running an up to date version of Slackware Linux 15.0. In conclusion, the deserved praises to all of the TDE developers for their commitment and efforts are renewed. Until the next official release for the usual update.
For any feedback, questions, errors and such, please e-mail me at studiosg [at] giustetti [dot] net
External links
- Slackware home page
- Slackware Linux for the ARM architecture
- TDE home page
- TDE download links
- TDE 14.1.3 release notes
Languages: English - Italiano